The four most common exhibit

The four most common exhibit types are linear, peninsula, end-cap and island.


A linear exhibit, also referred to as an in-line booth, is quite standard. These exhibits are generally arranged in a straight line, with one side exposed to an aisle and a neighboring exhibitor on the left and right. Typically, the size of a linear exhibit is 10’x10’ or 10’x20’.

If a linear exhibit is described as a “perimeter” booth, it simply means that the space backs up to an outside venue wall as oppose to another exhibitor. If described as a “corner” booth, it means your exhibit will only have one neighboring exhibitor and be exposed to aisles on two sides.

Tip: Check venue rules and regulations! Commonly speaking, in this exhibit type the back wall of your display cannot exceed eight feet tall and all elements within five feet of the aisle cannot exceed four feet tall. Perimeter booths usually allow for a 12-foot back wall.


A peninsula exhibit has three sides exposed to aisles, and is a minimum of 20’x20′. These exhibits either back up to linear booths or another peninsula exhibit (this is called a “split island” booth).

Tip: Again, check venue rules and regulations! Typically, if backed by linear booths, in this exhibit type the back wall of your display cannot exceed 16-20 feet tall in the center or four feet tall on the sides (for a distance of five feet from both side aisles). These restrictions are in place for a distance of 10 feet from the back wall.

If backed by another peninsula, rules are much simpler. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that all elements in your display must remain under 16-20 feet tall.


An end-cap exhibit is similar to a peninsula in that it has three sides exposed to aisles. The main differences are that an end-cap is generally 10’x20′ and only backs up to linear booths.

Tip: In this exhibit type, often the back wall of your display cannot exceed eight feet tall and all elements within five feet of the aisles cannot exceed four feet tall.


An island exhibit is one where a booth is exposed to aisles on all four sides. Island exhibits are almost always 20’x20’ or larger.

Tip: In this exhibit type, it is common that all elements in your display must remain under 16-20 feet tall – including the hanging banner.



When deciding on a display to procure for your company/brand, think about the amount of space you need and what type of exhibit space you’d ideally like to be in.

Information about exhibit styles, exhibit regulations, and exhibit requirements can be found in event-specific exhibitor kits or obtained from the event producer. It is always a good move to send renderings/pictures of your display to the venue for approval!

majid 29 سپتامبر 2019 0 دیدگاه
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